Sexta-Feira - 20 de julho de 2018
Mestrado em Ciências Biomédicas da FHO no 1º Encontro Brasileiro de Biocelulose

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biomédicas marcou presença no 1º Encontro Brasileiro de Biocelulose, realizado nos dias 04 e 05 de junho na Universidade de Araraquara - UNIARA, parceira da FHO, principalmente na linha de pesquisa "Patofisiologia do Reparo Tecidual".

O Prof. Dr. Thiago Antônio Moretti de Andrade participou como palestrante apresentando as pesquisas que orienta na Iniciação Científica e Mestrado, sob o tema "Biocelulose com e sem alginato na cicatrização de úlceras cutâneas em ratos". Seus alunos, apresentaram pôster divulgando os resultados preliminares dos projetos de pesquisa que já estão em andamento como resultado da parceria UNIARARAS/UNIARA/SEVEN Indústria de Produtos Tecnológicos/Instituto de Física - USP, São Carlos, a saber:


Jonas R. Nogueira1, Samara S. Mariano1*, Ericsson S. Ramos1, Letícia C. Adriano1, Gláucia M.T. Santos1, Guilherme F. Caetano1, Hernane S. Barud2,3, Andréia B. Meneguin3, Rafael M. Sábio3, Fernanda M. Carbinatto3, Vanderlei S. Bagnato4, Thiago A.M. Andrade1* 
1 - Graduate Program in Biomedical Science, Herminio Ometto University Center - UNIARARAS, Araras-SP, Brazil 
2 - University of Araraquara - UNIARA, Araraquara-SP, Brazil
3 - Seven Indústria de Produtos Biotecnológicos Ltda, Ibiporã-PR, Brazil 
4 - University of Sao Paulo - Physical Institute of São Carlos, PISC, São Carlos-SP  *Corresponding author:

Wound healing is a natural biological response to tissue damage, which is knowed by a cascade of molecular events targeting tissue reconstruction. There are several therapies for wound healing. Bacterial cellulose membrane, commercially known as Nexfill® (Seven) have been shown as a promising biomaterial to treatment of wounds, providing a humid environment on the wound bed, improving scar formation and reducing pain on injured patients, as well it has a low cost and is easy to apply. In view of this, the relevant innovation is to evaluate the wound healing in rats with topical application of biocellulose gel with alginate. It was made two excisional wounds of 1.5 cm diameter on the dorsum of rats, which were divided into 4 groups: treated topically and 3x/week with Control gel, Nexfill, biocellulose gel with alginate (CB+AG) and Sham group (without treatment) to 0, 2, 7 and 14 days (n=5rats/follow-up days). The wounds were photographed on all follow-up days, the wound area was determinated by ImageJ software to calculate wound healing rate (WHR), which correspond to the formula [(initial area - final area) / initial area]. The Sham group showed superior WHR than Nexfill on the 2nd day. On the 7th day, Control gel was superior than Nexfill. On 14th day, all groups showed the wounds practically reepithelialized. Thus, Nexfill and CB+AG groups did not showed important reepithelialization by this macroscopic analysis. Other analysis will be carried out, however the results of these preliminary studies certainly relate to the texture/moisture of the gels.

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