Quinta-Feira - 30 de abril de 2009

O trabalho científico "Low doses of monocrotaline in rats cause diminished bone marrow cellularity and compromised nitric oxide production by peritoneal macrophages" (Baixas doses de monocrotalina em ratos causam diminuição da celularidade de medula óssea e comprometimento da produção de óxido nítrico por macrófagos peritoneais), de co-autoria da acadêmica Julia Cristina Benassi, do 7º período do curso de Farmácia da UNIARARAS, foi publicado na renomada revista americana Journal of Immunotoxicology, na sua edição do mês de março.

Júlia havia sido a única representante latino-americana a apresentar trabalho durante o 48th Annual Meeting of Teratology Society , que aconteceu em Monterrey, Califórnia/EUA, durante o mês de julho do ano passado. Naquela ocasião, o trabalho foi apresentado oralmente em Inglês e acabou sendo premiado entre os melhores do evento. Além do prêmio em dinheiro, Julia foi aceita na sociedade com isenção de anuidade até o término do seu curso de graduação. A seguir, estão mais detalhes sobre a matéria.

Journal of Immunotoxicology
March 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pages 11-18

Low doses of monocrotaline in rats cause diminished bone marrow cellularity and compromised nitric oxide production by peritoneal macrophages

Isis M. Hueza1, Julia C. Benassi1, Paulo C. F. Raspantini1, Leonila E. R. Raspantini1, Lilian R. M. Sa-1, Silvana L. Górniak1, Mitsue Haraguchi2

1Research Center for Veterinary Toxicology (CEPTOX), Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil
2Biological Institute of São Paulo,São Paulo, S.P., Brazil

The authors are grateful to graduate student Andre' T. Gotardo (CEPTOX) for his technical assistance. This study was supported by grants from the Fundação de Amparo a` Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP, Brazil (Proc. No. 06/57174-7, 06/60397-8, and 07/51648-0).

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Silvana L. Gorniak, Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, S.P.CEP 05508-900, Brazil; Email: gorniak@usp.br

Monocrotaline (MCT) is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid found in a variety of plants. The main symptoms of MCT toxicosis in livestock are related to hepato- and nephrotoxicity; in rodents and humans, the induction of a pulmonary hypertensive state that progresses to cor pulmonale has received much attention. Although studies have shown that MCT can cause effects on cellular functions that would be critical to those of lymphocytes/macrophages during a normal immune response, no immunotoxicological study on MCT have yet to ever be performed. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of MCT on different branches of the immune system using the rat - which is known to be sensitive to the effects of MCT - as the model. Rats were treated once a day by gavage with 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, or 5.0 mg MCT/kg for 14 days, and then any effects of the alkaloid on lymphoid organs, acquired immune responses, and macrophage activity were evaluated. No alterations in the relative weight of lymphoid organs were observed; however, diminished bone marrow cellularity in rats treated with the alkaloid was observed. MCT did not affect humoral or cellular immune responses. When macrophages were evaluated, treatments with MCT caused no significant alterations in phagocytic function or in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production; however, the MCT did cause compromised nitric oxide (NO) release by these cells.


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